TAT2, Task 1




TAT2 Task 1: Integration Design



Cara Kusnic










A Written Project Presented to the Faculty of the Teachers College of

Western Governors University




TAT2 Task 1: Integration Design

This unit is a three day unit on non-fiction comprehension using T-Charts and text features. Each unit is a two-hour block. This unit is geared for second grade students. Please see the multiple sections below for more detail in regard to my units.

Instructional Goal

By the end of instruction, through small groups and iReady instruction, students will be able to obtain grade level reading comprehension using non-fiction text by achieving 7 out of 10 correct.  Students will be assessed through iReady assessments and teacher assessments during one on one instruction.

Instructional Objectives

            Please note that the following objectives were used in this unit plan.  

            Objective 1: Using grade level non-fiction text, students will be able to identify three text features, scoring a minimum of 7/10 points on the assessment.

            Objective 2: Given a non-fiction text, students will demonstrate the use of three strategies to read a non-fiction text by highlighting information, identifying text features, and writing questions in the margin.

            Objective 3: Using a self-selected reading book on their current level, students will compare and contrast a fiction text to a non-fiction text by creating and completing a T-Chart with at least 7 comparisons.






This lesson is geared toward sixteen second grade African-American and Hispanic students. The students in my classroom are in a Title-1 and SIG school, which means that all of my students receive a free breakfast and lunch daily. Students in my classroom receive all areas of instruction including but not limited to: reading, writing, math, social studies, science and social emotional skills. Our school is located in the downtown area of Winston-Salem, North Carolina. We are the heart of the downtown area, and are considered the “neighborhood” school. The students that come into my class are normally far below grade level in all subject areas.

Instructional Sequence

            This unit is a three day, three lesson unit that consists of two hours in each unit. In each lesson there are pre-instructional activities, content presentation, learner participation, assessment, and follow through activities.

Instructional Theories and Designs

            When designing my units, I had two theories in mind due to my class make-up. I was able to incorporate both of those theories in my design. I used Constructivism in lessons 1, 2, and 3. Constructivism is represented by collaboration, student engagement, and class discussion. I also used Behaviorism in lessons 1-3. The use of direct instruction is very important in my classroom as my students need elicit detail and instruction before they can move on to their independent work and group activities.





Instructional Strategies

            I use a variety of instructional strategies to meet the needs of all my students. Expository instruction is needed so that my students can make connections. They are making connections to other texts and to their own brain, so that they can recall information and use it in a purposeful and meaningful way. I also lecture, because they need to hear me; however, we do a lot of group work. It is a second grade classroom and they learn better from each other. As such, cooperative learning with collaboration is a huge instructional strategy in my classroom that is very useful.  Learning is differentiated, because students learn and grow at different rates and I want them all to be successful on their level now to ultimately bring them to the grade level expectation.


            Students will use various materials in this lesson. They will need fiction and non-fiction books to study and look through. They will also need their reading journals and pencils to record their findings. Students will also need T-Charts to display their information on. Highlighters are a vital part of lesson three to help them make their text-features pop-out and be very noticeable to them.


            The use of chrome books are needed so that students can access iReady and be assessed. iReady is a program that allows teachers to schedule a certain lesson and test students on that lesson. It also allows students to be given instruction on their level.


            Students will be assessed through performance objectives. While the students are being assessed the teacher will take anecdotal notes and will also use iReady. iReady assessments will be completed on the computer and will give immediate feedback to students on  how they did. It provides an immediate score to them. If they get it, the program will adjust and provide them with a more challenging lesson. If they do poorly, it will re-mediate whether they are doing great and can move up, or it will tell them that they need additional support and help. I will also assess students when walking around my classroom and asking them informal questions about what they are doing and why.

Technology Analysis of Five New Technologies

            In this section, I have added a table below for evaluators to see my analysis of each website that I researched.  I like some of the resources that I found on YouTube. For instance, there is a very nice video posted by Teaching Independent Learners (Learners, 2017). I really like how  the woman's voice is very clear and pleasant. Microsoft Power point is a nice way to add your own touch to a lesson. I have never used Quizizz before, but after researching, I love how interactive and game based the quizzes are. Flipsnack was pretty cool. It is definitely not a resource that a second grade student could use. I like the vibrant colors and the templates. I did not like that it is not a free website. If you want to download the items that you make, you have to pay a premium membership.   WatchKnowLearn had awesome teacher resources that I can use to create a stronger lesson for my students. I like that it shows me what to do and then I can take things away from it that I do not think will work.

Technology Name


Support Meaningful Learning

Location in Plan of instruction

Tool or Teaching or Tool for Learning?




Text feature video that goes over different text features, shows what they are, and explains how to use them.

Yes, it provides meaningful learning because it is a video geared toward 2nd grade students to help them understand what text features are, how to locate them, and how to use them.

Content Presentation

Tool for Teaching and for learning

Students get a colorful, online presentation that clearly defines different text features and tells you how to do it. It is kid friendly.

It is not something that the students can manipulate.

Power point

A presentation that is created by the teacher to teach a lesson. It is prepared before the lesson and enhances the lesson by providing burst of information. With a powerpoint presentation, teachers also have the ability to add pictures

A power point presentation would support learning because the items in the presentation would be strategic and purposeful to the lesson.

I would project a  power point lesson during the content presentation time. I would do it at that time, because we would be able to discuss this items in it as a whole class.

Tool for teaching and for learning

Students receive specific information about the content that they are learning.



An interactive, fun, and engaging testing tool. It also collects data of the students scores for you and provides a report.

This is HIGHLY meaningful as students are assigned games that are actually quizzes. As the teacher, we search and assign a quiz to the student. They get to have fun while learning.

This will be placed in the assessment section of my unit plan.

This is a tool for learning.

Highly engaging. This will keep students motivated the entire time that they are on it. I like the use of the timer at the top, so students can't just stay on the same question for a very long time.



Great for making charts and flip books for instruction.

I believe that this would support meaningful learning, because the teacher would create a flipbook that would be aligned with the lesson that they designed.

This would fall into the Content Presentation Category.

Tool for teaching. This will help supplement the lesson; however, it is not kid user friendly.

Teacher content can be organized nicely.

This is not kid friendly. You have to pay for a better membership to access more.


It is a website the provides a multitude of teaching videos for teachers. It shows a lesson and how to conduct it. You can also obtain some of the materials used.

I believe that this is meaningful learning to the teacher, but not to the student. I feel that this website provides a plethora of material to all teachers though that they can incorporate into their lessons.

This would fall into the per-instructional activities.

This is a teaching tool that enables teachers to strengthen their lesson by watching other teachers in action.

I like that the lessons all have videos with them for teachers. I also like the fact that they add the age range for kids, so that we know what the content is and the curriculum age that the lesson is geared toward.

I do not like that this is not hands on and interactive. Also, where is the differentiation?





Technologies Chosen

            I researched five different technologies to potentially use in my lesson plan. The three that I have selected to go forward with are Quizizz, YouTube, and Flipsnack. I think these three websites would be the most engaging for my students and they can also be accessed by their parents. When I researched Quizizz, I was immediately impressed. I never used that website before, or even heard of it for that matter. I did not see any draw backs with it, which is awesome. I think that my students will love using this resource as a quiz, because it is a game! I also really liked that this site collects data for me. Because of these features, I selected Quizizz as one of the websites that I will use.

            Another website that I selected is Youtube. Youtube has a plethora of videos on their website. One that I liked, had a very pleasant voice and incorporated all of the text features that we use in second grade (Learners, 2017). I also like YouTube in general because it is easily accessible to everyone and anyone that has a computer, tablet, iphones, etc. Kids are very familiar with YouTube; therefore, I feel that it is a nice addition to my instruction.

            Flipsnack was an interesting find for me. I have seen this before, but was not impressed with the fact that I can only use a small portion of the website. However, after researching the website further, I think that creating Flipbooks will actually be a great addition to my classroom, which is why I selected it as the third additional website that I will use. They can be embedded into my plans for free, and I love anything that is free! I can also share the account with myself different ways. I liked the fact that there are templates that can be used, as well as an open template that I can create myself.



Appropriateness of Technologies

            I believe that all of the websites that I selected are kid friendly. They are all appropriate for second grade students in a Title-1 school. Everything that I am selecting is something that I can either create, or screen. Quizizz is appropriate for second grade because it is designed for kids and it is a big game for them to play. They do not even realize that they are being tested because it is fun. The students in my classroom are also competitive and this shows you after every quiz question which place you are in. YouTube is appropriate for the lesson because I am showing it to students after screening it myself. I already know that the content is for second grade. There are no ugly words and wicked pictures. This is going to be shown whole group, so students can not wander on any other site. This is also something that I can send the link home, so that parents can also view what we are learning. Flipsnack is appropriate for 7-8 year old students, because they will see a flip book that I will create. There are several templates that allow me to create flyers, brochures, storyboards, etc. The website has multiple purposes to making the “anchor chart” if you will of my presentation aesthetically pleasing. Students that are more advanced will be able to create their own chart, flyer, or brochure on the content that they learned. These three websites will be an new experience for my learners that are second grade friendly. Even though my unit plan is in reading, I feel that these three resources are appropriate for my students to engage and work with across content areas.





Learners, T. I. (2017, October 02). Text Features: Navigators. Retrieved February 23, 2019, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ciJks5acPmU


(n.d.). Retrieved February 23, 2019, from https://quizizz.com/admin/quiz/569fe768061a465e46c826c4/text-features


WatchKnowLearn - Free K-12 educational videos. (n.d.). Retrieved February 23, 2019, from http://www.watchknowlearn.org/Video.aspx?VideoID=22477&CategoryID=5701